SvnStat Users Manual

SvnStat is a tool for creating statistical report graphs from Subversion logs. You can download SvnStat from SourceForge Logo via this link.

Total commits for each day

Total commits for each day separated by user

Commit percentage for each user

Total commits of a single user for each day

Change type quantities of a single user for each day

Aggregated commit times of a single user


Command-line interface

The main class of the system (de.agentlab.svnstat.SvnStat) has a very rudimentary command-line interface:

SvnStat -r <repository/logfile> [-d <outputDir>] [-config <configfile>] [-begin <date>] [-end <date>]

Option Parameter Description Required Default
-r Repository URL or logfile The repository from which to collect the log data or a file containing the logs. If using repository URL, a SVN client installation must be accessible to the system, if using a logfile, the log must be retrieved using --verbose and --xml. yes
-d Directory name The output directory no svnstat
-config Configuration file The name of the configuration file to use. no (read from jar)
-begin Begin date The date from which on statistical data should be collected (Format: yyyy-MM-dd) no The earliest date found in the log
-end End date The date up to which statistical data should be collected (Format: yyyy-MM-dd) no The latest date found in the log

Properties file

Mot of the properties of the generated graphs can be configured by setting the respective properties in a custom file and passing this file to the -config command line switch. The properties in the default file should be self-explanatory so we won't do it here :-)


SvnStat uses the library provided by the Krysalis jCharts project to generate its graphs. The XML parsing is done using JDom and the XPath stuff is done with Jaxen.